
Regina Maria - Breast Cancer Awareness


ISSUE | Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality among women in Romania. 74% of breast cancers are diagnosed at an advanced stage due to delays in mammography and ultrasound, essential imaging tests for detecting breast cancer, for various reasons. Doctors recommend that women perform monthly self-exams to detect early breast cancer, as well as timely routine screenings.

IDEA | Young women over 18 have the opportunity to change the alarming statistics in Romania through correct information and access to social media platforms that also have an educational role, such as TikTok. That's why we chose this platform for Regina Maria to spread awareness about the importance of self-examination, during breast cancer month.

During the pandemic, choreographies went viral on TikTok, inspiring us to tap into this trend for a meaningful cause. We collaborated with content creators to develop a choreography that elegantly illustrates the proper techniques for breast self-examination, aiming to detect any irregularities in the breast area. Additionally, they've actively been encouraging their audiences to schedule regular medical check-ups, enhancing awareness and proactive health management. This innovative approach helps spread crucial health information in an engaging and memorable way.