
MetLife The Horrorscope

  ISSUE |  Metropolitan Life sells life insurances. But how do you advertise that to an audience that believe they have so little say in their life, way less than astral or mystical forces?   IDEA |  Metropolitan Life tells a nation of  modern aspiri

ISSUE | Metropolitan Life sells life insurances. But how do you advertise that to an audience that believe they have so little say in their life, way less than astral or mystical forces?

IDEA | Metropolitan Life tells a nation of modern aspiring people that it’s not enough to rely on the planets for matters of life and death.

We hijacked the horoscope format and launched The Horrorscope. A peek in the future based on data.

We took the statistical on most probable causes of death - accidents, illnesses, age - and presented them as a horoscope, for people to get more aware of the negative side of life and how to best prepare for the unpredictable with life insurance.

The face of The Horrorscope is the most watched and loved astrologer. If even she, who can peek behind the veil of the future, has a life insurance, then us mere mortals better do the same.