
CC. Clash - Creatives vs. Clients

CC. Clash - Creatives vs. Clients

A game about hilariously relatable daily creatives-client brawls.

CC Clash started when we had to come up with an idea to fund our trip to Barcelona for the ADC*E Awards. We really wanted to get work done and find the winning idea, so instead of dealing with it we just took a break and started whining about feedback and deadlines. Then it hit us. There’s no creative department that doesn’t vent about clients during breaks. Painfully rolled eyes. Hysterical giggles. Why not get together to enjoy more of this, without the stress of work?

Thus, our idea was born. One of the most millennial items out there. A print & play board game about agency life. Which is actually just a card game, but we wanted to include a KV as well.
Super easy, super fun, anyone can play it. A game about hilariously relatable daily creatives-client brawls.

  How it works   There’s 2 teams, the creatives and the clients. To win the game, the creatives have to finish the campaign before the deadline. If not, the clients win.  If you’re a creative and you draw a DDL card, you’re out of the game. Unless! Y

How it works

There’s 2 teams, the creatives and the clients. To win the game, the creatives have to finish the campaign before the deadline. If not, the clients win.

If you’re a creative and you draw a DDL card, you’re out of the game. Unless! You play a STALL card, which buys you time and cancels it.

 The deck is made up of these cards that can save you from reaching the deadline before finishing the campaign, NOPE cards that stop the actions of the client, special abilities and, unfortunately, lots of client attacks.

The deck is made up of these cards that can save you from reaching the deadline before finishing the campaign, NOPE cards that stop the actions of the client, special abilities and, unfortunately, lots of client attacks.

 What to do with this game? Play it during breaks at the office. Play it after hours. With the client when he visits. Before pitches to lower anxiety. At parties to brag you’re working in advertising. Play it with your parents so they can finally und

What to do with this game? Play it during breaks at the office. Play it after hours. With the client when he visits. Before pitches to lower anxiety. At parties to brag you’re working in advertising. Play it with your parents so they can finally understand what your job means.
